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“To close the wealth gap experienced by all marginalized populations"

The Jamaur Law Foundation is on a mission to offer financial education and holistic programming in hopes of closing the wealth gap experienced by all marginalized populations. Our vision is to introduce and expand financial literacy among those who need it most in communities everywhere, starting with the closest to home.

We aim to change people's lives in our community by helping them make more informed decisions when navigating our financial systems. We begin our work with children five years or older and assist them throughout their lifetime! Our holistic approach to curriculum allows us to connect with students and inspire participants of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds to take positive financial action.

By educating our community in Washington, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and supporting those who need it most, we aim to be a catalyst for real change. Here are four of our main areas of focus:

FINANCIAL LITERACY- Our signature program is our “SMART MONEY” financial literacy training series. In the series, students learn how to take control of their finances by learning about money management, setting financial goals, tracking expenses, budgeting, and more.

FOOD INSECURITY- Low financial literacy in marginalized households increases the likelihood of food insecurity. Our approach teaches budgeting while providing food support.

YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP- A means for youth to achieve their dreams without the heavy burden of college debt weighing them down.

SUPPORTING OUR HEROES- Show appreciation for professionals fostering equity in the medical, teaching, retail, banking, and defense industries by addressing disparities caused by low financial literacy.


Financial literacy combines financial knowledge with attitudes, skills, and behaviors to make informed financial decisions based on personal circumstances. Individuals who prioritize their financial literacy have the tools to improve their overall economic well-being and set themselves up for a better future!

This past year has opened up many doors for the future of The Jamaur Law Foundation. We accomplished so much in 2022, including: As we continue our work in 2023, we wanted to thank YOU - our community of support - for enabling our best year ever.

  • Providing financial literacy education to hundreds of individuals across the area and creating pathways to economic independence for generations to come.
  • We expanded services to tackle critical and emergent needs such as food insecurity, public safety, and academic learning loss.
  • Our scholarship programs have provided new opportunities for area youth to access and succeed in post-secondary endeavors.


Mailing address for checks:

Jamaur Law Foundation, Inc.

1282 Smallwood Dr. W.

PMB #140

Waldorf, MD 20603